I’m sharing something new today!! No this is not a blog post about a recent wedding or session. This is a personal one about MY family 🙂 A goal of mine is to use this space to share more about me, my family, and document our own precious moments throughout life. So buckle up and get ready to see more of The Conner family!!!
Each year I love to look back through pictures and compare to see how the kids have grown. One of my favorites is during birthdays and annual things we do as a family. Strawberry picking is something we do each year and first started in 2017 when I was pregnant with Ava ~ she would be born the next day. Gavin was 1.5 and it was his first experience.

The next year 2018 Gavin was almost 3 and Ava had just turned 1. Gavin remembered everything from the first time and felt like a true veteran, knowing exactly what to do. Ava Jane on the other hand was very unsure when she had her first strawberry ~ as you can tell from her sour face hahaha!!! But she eventually loved it and even began “bathing” herself with the strawberries. This is also the year the began their annual sibling strawberry patch picture!! I will continue it for as long as I can 🙂

The next year was 2019 and they were just as much fun at the strawberry patch!! Also… peep those “sibling pictures” I mentioned about wanting to continue hahaha!! See how it’s going to just get better and better each year 🙂 Gavin loves his sister but more often than not, she just wants to be left alone.

2020 was “the year” that we all know about. This was also the year that the strawberry patch wasn’t open for picking. But we picked back up with our annual photos in 2021!! We ended up going on Ava’s birthday because that was her big request. So naturally she dressed up in all her birthday princess gear ready for an elegant time at the strawberry patch. She even had to stop mid picking to re-apply some lipstick. The annual sibling photo was as good as it gets for this year. And I just realized – Gavin has on the same shirt as our strawberry picking in 2019 HA!!!

Aaannnddd finallyyyy this last year 2022 we ended up going again as a family on Ava’s birthday. A beautiful tradition that we’ve welcomed. She had to be all decked out *again* in her princess birthday girl gear to pick strawberries. And I’m so thankful for another sibling photo!! I just can’t believe how tall both of them are getting!!

Planning on continuing this tradition and maybe even bringing my big girl camera with me next time to really begin capturing the kids growth each year!! But for now, those ecp mobile presets were working just fine 😉
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